Centerline Episode 1 (April 2021) with Alan Bickell, Director of the Adult Orientation and Adjustment Center, Nami Wallace, Generalist in the Adult Orientation and Adjustment Center at the Iowa Department for the Blind and special guest, Emily Wharton, Director of the Iowa Deparmtent for the Blind. This episode is a discussion of the recording known as the dishwashing tape, and the issues that are discussed in that recording. Hierarchy of Blindness, learning shades, total versus partial, public education, and the philosophy of the Iowa Department for the Blind.
The Centerline Podcast: Join hosts Alan Bickell, Director of the Adult Orientation and Adjustment Center, and Nami Wallace Generalist, in the Adult Orientation Cetner, at the Iowa Department for the Blind as they interview individuals involved with the blindness field. The topics focus mainly on areas around the structured discovery training center at the Iowa Department for the Blind, but also venture in to other areas of interest around blindness.